Saturday, April 18, 2020

Understand the Expected Pattern free essay sample

Enjoys playing with other people and might get upset when the person stops intereacting with them Expressive and tries to communicate using there face and body Physical Development Supports upper body with arms when laying on the stomach Opens and shuts there hands Grasps and shakes hand toys Tries to hit dangerling objects with hands 6 months Able to follow moving objects with there eyes Reach for objects and pick them up Recognize familiar faces they see Will try helping to hold there bottle when feeding Social and Emotional Development Enjoys interacting with people during play Takes an interest in mirror images Responds to peoples expressions e. g if the adult is pulling funny faces the infant will smile and appear happy. Physical Development Rolls over onto there back and front Tries to support there body weight on there legs using objects/furniture for balance Can transfer an object from one hand to another Cognitive Development Finds partially hidden objects Explores with hands and mouth Language Development Responds to own name Can tell your emotion by the tone in your voice e. We will write a custom essay sample on Understand the Expected Pattern or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page if your happy or sad with them Babbles and makes sounds 1 year old Turn towards a noise they can hear Imitate speech sounds and experiment different noises they can make with there mouth for example blowing rasberries They are trying to crawl using there arms to drag them Start being able to wave bye bye Stand briefly without any support Copys adults using the telephone or a cup Social and Emotional Development Becomes shy and nervous around people they dont know Cry when parents leave them Finger feeds themselves Extends arms and legs when being dressed Copys sounds and gestures to get attention Physical Development Attempts to sit up without any support Pulls themselves up to stand Walks holding on to furniture Might walk a couple of steps without support Stands by themselves without any support Uses a pincer grasp to hold small objects Puts objects into containers e. g shape sorters Language Development Responds to â€Å"no† and shake there head to â€Å"no† Says â€Å"Dada† and â€Å"Mama† Tries to copy words. 2 years Can use 2 to word sentances and say about 50 words or more They can kick a ball Walk forwards and backwards They can create marks on paper using pencils, crayons and paintbrushes They can identify different parts of there bodys like eyes, ears, hands, feet hair, nose and they can point to them Social and Emotional Development Mimics behaviour of other children or adults Becomes more independent willing to do things themselves like toileting or putting shoes and coats on Becoming aware of themselves when around other people as a separate individual Physical Development Can run, walk and stand on tiptoe Enjoys climbing up and down items such as furniture Carries large toys or items whilst walking Cognitive Development Enjoys hidden objects game like hide and seek with toys Interacting with other children in role play Can sort shapes out and separate different colours Language Development Can join in with matching games or snap cards Follow and takes in simple instruction like follow the leader Repeats words that have have been said in a conversation 3 Years Old Social and Emotional Development Enjoys playing with other children for a few minutes or have a couple of close friends they play with They join in with games that involve taking turns Understand that an item or toy belongs to somebody else and that we share Expresses affection by holding hands or hugging Can separate abit more easier from parents Physical Development Throws a ball overhand They understand the concept of riding bikes and can put it into motion Can walk up and down stairs knowing to put one foot per stair step Enjoys climbing such as climbing frames or trees Cognitive Development They can complete puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces They become very imaginative and make up stories Make mechanical toys work without being shown Language Development They can say there name there age and if there a boy or girl Understand the concept of â€Å"on† â€Å"in† and â€Å"under† e. g the chair is under the table 4 Years old Social and Emotional Development Plays role play games where they are the parents Enjoys role play games where they can dress up and play the role of a character or person they are dressed up as Alot more independent and able to do things for themselves Imagines that things they cant see like in dark cupboards or unfamiliar objects might be a monster They cant always make the difference between reality and fantasy like something they see on t. thats in a cartoon they think it is real Physical Development Can go up and downstairs without any help Catches bounced ball games most of the time Can hop and stand on one leg for up to 5 seconds Can sometimes dress themselves without any help Cognitive Development Can correctly name some of the colours Understand the concept of the â€Å"same† and different Understands the concepts of counting and can name some numbers They can recall parts of a story Language Development They can tell stories Speaks clearly enough to strangers for them to understand whats been said 5 years Old Social and Emotional Development They want to please there friends and want to be liked by there friends Enjoys acting and sing amp; dance They are aware of boys and girls They are able to understand that things in cartoons arent real Physical Development They can stand on one foot for longer than 10 seconds They can hop, skip, run, jump, swing and climb They can use a knife,fork and spoon They can draw people with bodies They can draw around objects or use stencils Cognitive Development They can count 10 or more objects Have more of an understanding of time and place They can say there name and address Language Development Tell longer stories and more imagination Uses future tense in conversation 6- 12 years old Social and Emotional Development Easily upset by things not fair or right Can talk to themselves to make them calm down They have an anxiety, self conscious issues about physical and sexual changes to there body Become very sensitive to critcism and correction They get a strong need to belong to a family or peer group Increasing sense of right and wrong and societal rules Physical Development They get growth spurts They get more of an appetite and become picky eaters Sexual characteristic begin to develop Bone growth is faster then muscle development Pre-teen girls tend to be more advanced then boys Intellectual Development Extremely curious to whats going on around them Know the difference between real and imaginary things Loves bathroom talk Eager to solve real life problems At the age of 11-12 they may be arguments as they develop and are able to do chores without reminding or supervision 13 19 years Old Social and Emotional Development Have a need of belonging and want to be around there peer group Conflict between parent grow they might push you away for there attempt to be more independent They value what peers have to say and increase there affection and approval Challenge limits setting and parents judgement Physical Development Puberty has begun or been achieved Self doubt and awkwardness with growth spurts have appeared Hormonal and brain development continues Ref: www. mychildithoutlimits. org www. pearsonschoolsandfecolleges. co. uk www. attachmentparenting. ca www. yolofostercare. com/reading/childdevelopmentmilestone

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